So much for a "monthly schedule" :P Between trying to regularly update my personal blog, writing a regular column for a local on-line magazine (sorry, it's Thai-only), working on the first book in my life (about my experience with US education system - writing in Thai, but hope to write excerpts in Engish when it's done), and jugging new responsibilities at work, HOTU has been pushed down my priority scale a little bit. Well, that's not exactly true: for the past 2 months I have been exploring ways to "upgrade" this site to a Wiki-style community site, so everyone can help contribute and maintain content. The problem is that the two gentlemen who offered to help me have disappeared, presumably busy with their real lives.
So let me make this official: if you have extensive knowledge about PHP and modifying Wiki codebases and would like to help upgrade HOTU, let me know. As I see it, this kind of site will hugely benefit from a Wiki-style structure where people can contribute concent, with a small team of 2-3 editors overseeing everything. As much as I love adding games and as much as I am skeptical about whether other people share my views on what constitute "underdogs," I do have to admit that the sheer size and scope of this site is getting to a point where it can't be a one-person thing anymore. Just keeping all the related links and buy links up-to-date is almost a full-time job (on that note, let me publicly say a big THANK YOU to forum regulars Jorpho, Anym and many others who tirelessly and constantly check countless on-line stores for game availability).
No promises on when the next update will be - but keep your eye on the tally on the front page ;) I will try to also somehow integrate RSS-style feeds soon, so visitors can at least keep track of updates. 