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Quarterly update (Q1 2022)

Slick sailing ahoy! Man the mizzen! Caulk the jackstay! Trim the spars? If you think I'm lost, I'll bet you'll fare no better, you squawk-prone booby! The bet, indeed, is on in British dev duo Surprised Man's heavily humorous haul The Wager. Unlike most of our other recent inductees, this game you can actually just play a LITTLE of and come out fine, so excuses will not be excused.

Quarterly update (Q4 2021)

Whenever you've gotten into one of many kinds of TV entertainment, a large part of the titillation was always likely to have been the fantasy of living it vicariously. How would you have answered that 1 mil question on Millionaire? How far would you have gotten in the 3rd course on Ninja Warrior? Could you have eaten that plate of turtle cloacae on Fear Factor that Nancy just puked out with the tattered remains of her dignity? The show I'm about to plug you into represents a return to the visceral blood sports of old and will wipe the floor with all that mundanity! Enter... The Hunt! It's one of the better times of year to visit Moscow in the one verified proud hour of the never-heard-of Russian developer Orion, who also seem to be responsible, among other things, for another Moscovian first-person shooter in which you rush to save Stalin from an assassination attempt (I'm so thrilled!). In The Hunt (originally known as Chernaya Metka), they flatter many existing tokens of mature gun thrillers but stand just as tall in the class photo. Easy to recommend!

Quarterly update (Q3 2021)

Managed to get this double update out in time! It's more like 1½ update though since the two games in question are a release and a rerelease. A make and a remake? It's The Abbey of Crime and The Abbey of Crime Extensum. The original comes from the summit of the golden age of Spanish software, which was a period between 1983 and 1992 that saw a proliferation of 8-bit games from the land in question. While the Spanish certainly didn't miss it, it never actually saw release anywhere else until later. "Extensum" is by no major linguistic stretch of the imagination 'extended', which describes it well, and it's clearly the very way in which the game is best to experience today.

Quarterly update (Q2 2021)

Salutations once again! There's nothing stopping the unearthing of more and more undeserved obscurity, the amount of which may only have ever been on the rise. Today's entry, The Land of Glass made a valiant effort at budding a new hybrid genre combining real-time action with deck-building. You have to appreciate what Dual Wield did that so many others did not. It's even found quite an original art style, drawing from mosaics and stained glass. Is there room in YOUR heart for this cuddly little puppy? Call 1-800-UNDERDOGS to find a friend for life.

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