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Dungeon Crawler Jam 2021 results

The jam organized by www.DungeonCrawlers.org, which we observed with a great curiosity, has just ended. There were 78 qualified entries. Which means that many games were finished and were made according to the rules of the jam, which were quite specific since the goal of the jam was to recreate the old classic style of dungeon crawlers which almost extinct by now.

Here are the full results: Jam results

Top entries (according by voting by the jam participants):
2. The Dark Forest in Heaven
3. Synthyfriends Dungeon
4. Beat of the Bard
5. Funk Dungeon

Also a special, HotU honorary mention goes to:
Callan: Escape From Dungeon

The first place winner is getting $100 USD worth of games from on itch.io or gog.com (sponsored by DungeonCrawlers.org). All jam participants are getting a copy of Legends of Amberland and Stellar Monarch (sponsored by Silver Lemur Games).

Quarterly update (Q1 2021)

Happy two thirds through the second quarter of 2021! I've come to cognize calendar quarters don't start in the months these updates have been posted on... ON OTHER SITES. Wishing someone a happy quarter sounds very clumsy anyway but I'm always late to include even the Chinese New Year in my greetings so it's the closest I can get. :/ I don't believe we've welcomed a pure puzzler into the party in a time or two, so won't you receive the investigative ichthyes of The Fish Fillets II warmly! Or not, they're mostly cold-blooded after all.

Quarterly update (Q4 2020)

Hope you're not greatly suffering from vicious ailments, dear reader! Yours truly has finally exhausted every safe harbor and cashed in all his seedy favors, much like Disney Han Solo, cause I'm stricken by some kinda flu-typ-a-thing. It's not the dread Chinese plague, however, so no excuses about posting this update today. I've got for you another very underdog underdog: The Adventures of Clive McMulligan on Planet Zeta Four. Clive is a gravity-defying stuntman in a space suit that protects him against hardly anything but the maleficent atmosphere. Thankfully lives (and subsequently deaths) are unlimited. It's not the first game of its kind, but still a very solid effort that could use a little more love. Would you adopt this puppy this Christmas?

Quarterly update (Q3 2020)

Another quarter has whooshed past like that time when you were still pretty, Ma'm. Much to no-one's surprise, another game is getting introduced to the collection today. It's a shooty one with vertiginous verticality and va-voominous variability. This kind of random number generated fare often makes for fluctuating quality of gameplay, that or tends to grow old pretty quickly, but my 70 hours don't lie: 1001st Hyper Tower is a keeper!

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She She's Got a Thing for Spring

Alchemist, The Alchemist, The

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