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Technical Update

The site has just received the biggest batch of updates in quite a long time! These are the most notable changes made:

- Remove "manuals" count (no longer hosted)
- Make "games" count dynamic (showed an incorrect tally)
- Limit # of news articles shown on the front page at once
- Where it says "Hall of Belated Fame" on the top right now shows a random selection of Top Dogs. This is a temporary measure, with a complete restoration of the HoBF in the works for those of you (like me) missing it dearly!
- Add some space at the top of each review (it's the little things!)

The person we have to thank for this is RayReaper, who has been a stalward staffer for a while now. More very nifty non-game-entry updates are coming within the none-too-distant-future.

Quarterly update (Q1 2023)

My my, I seem to be all over the place these days! It's a miracle we didn't have another slip in the update schedule today. Nor did we have a slip in the update quality either ;) It's true because I'm saying it's true. The game of the quarter, Helheim Hassle is the second in a kind-of-trilogy that doesn't pre-require (or post-require?) anything anyhow. You're certainly going to be all over this game if you make it a part of your life! You're also going to be in pieces cause of how emotional it gets. And you might end up a little scatter-brained thinking about it round the clock. I know you're not splitting your sides but... it's all breaking down isn't it? Just read the gosh darn review already!

TurnBasedFest Approaching

All those wishing to keep abreast with the latest and most !!!-worthy moves made by turn-based game aficionados around the world, relinquish any thoughts about other pretentious plans crowding your calendar from tomorrow, Dec 8th, through Dec 12th, for it is at no other time that you can experience the same potency of premeditation in the online medium. The cognizant creators signing up for this event will take turns to present their latest fare, or latest unfair depending how the difficulty was tweaked! Now off ye go to turnbasedfest.com for the rest of the story from the horse's mouth. (Yes, talking horses are in fashion again.)

Quarterly update (Q4 2022)

Welp, this was totally up yesterday! That's what you get for finishing the article ahead of time instead of what is going by the time-honored custom, in the nick of it. Today is a little special also in the sense that despite trying to play various games in the past several months, I didn't actually find one that I was completely comfortable elevating onto HotU tier. And so you must see it as a resplendent victory for integrity that today's game is one I never got round to trying myself BUT I do have it on good faith from multiple other reviewers that we're looking at something people generally have no regrets giving a proverbial spin. I'll let the more modest review do more talking for Threads of Fate. Ta-ta for now and wish me luck with the next one!

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