Master of Orion 2: Battles at Antares Strategy 4X in space
Rating: 8.78 (3253 votes)
The best feature in this excellent sequel to Master of Orion is the multiplayer option. Other new features include more than one colony per planet allowed, freighters, heroes for hire, random attacks from the evil Antarans, and more. Defeating the guardian of Orion is still an option, but not a victory requirement. You can also now put colonies on "auto-build" option, and graphics and sound are enhanced substantially. A great underrated sequel to a classic that somehow isn't quite as addictive as the original, perhaps due to the strong "been there-done that" feel that makes it seem like a minor evolution rather than the next big step in turn-based gaming. Still, if you like MOO but want a more "snazzy" graphics and interface, this sequel won't disappoint.Reviewed by: Underdogs