
Logical Games and Puzzles Collection: ASCII Classics Education Math or logic
| Rating: 7.44 (9 votes) | |  |
Logical Games and Puzzles is a great collection of math puzzles coded by David Lovelock, math professor at University of Arizona. The package includes such classroom classics as Factor Game, Hurkle, and Coin Swap, but also other interesting math puzzles and games I haven't come across before, such as Grocery Bingo, Tax Collector (my favorite game of the lot), and Beans. Although most of the games are brainteasers in a sense that there is only one correct solution to the puzzles, quite a few games are more like math-inspired board games that can be replayed infinitely. This collection includes all 3 games prof. Lovelock coded, and is highly recommended to kids aged 8-15 who enjoy math, as well as anyone who loves math puzzles in the same vein as Martin Gardner's column but less difficult. Two thumbs up!Reviewed by: Underdogs |  |
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