Dinosaur Adventure is a fun edutainment title from Knowledge Adventure, third in its "Adventure" series. In addition to a solid encyclopedia about dinosaurs based on the same engine as Knowledge Adventure and Sport Adventure, Dinosaur Adventure includes three additional features to make the package more complete and varied, including a nice collection of movie clips about dinosaurs and a fun quiz. Although more a collection of dinosaur-related factoids than a "game", Dinosaur Adventure is a lot of fun and engaging. The writing is easy to follow, and kids will enjoy finding and clicking on hotspots on each screen that brings up more detailed information and other hotspots. Overall, Dinosaur Adventure is an excellent and comprehensive program that is perfect for kids of all ages. If you enjoy the title but wish for more "bells and whistles" such as a full VR environment, check out its sequel Dinosaur Adventure 3D.Reviewed by: Underdogs