Reaping the Dungeon (now called Dungeon Rogue) is a shareware sci-fi Roguelike RPG – a rarity in a genre where a fantasy/D&D motif is much more common. In addition to being a pretty good shareware game, Reaping the Dungeon manages to offer that rare quality in epic Roguelikes: a well-balanced gameplay. Each randomly created level always offers a good challenge, but is never overly frustrating. Similar to other Roguelikes, Reaping the Dungeon is set in a dark dungeon. There are many strange gadgets for you to pick up, nasties to kill, and weapons to buy from shops. The sci-fi focus is deeper than simply changing item names around: while exploring, you must watch your oxygen levels, as well as collect various exotic plants. Although graphics are not important in a Roguelike at all (only inasmuch as the @ and # characters show up right, I suppose), the graphics in Reaping the Dungeon deserve mention as being quite unique: they use an "enhanced" set of ASCII characters that looks better than standard ASCII without losing the charm of all-text games. If you like Roguelikes in general, Reaping the Dungeon offers randomized but deep and satisfying gameplay that is well worth the $16 asking price of the full version. Two thumbs up, way up! Note: the game is no longer sold by the developer. You can, however, find a Mahjong game on his site if you'd like to support him. Reviewed by: Underdogs |