Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country by One of the Bruces (aka Adam Thornton) is a hilarious game that manages to do what many commercial games failed at: poke fun at an offensive/controversial genre through parody. The game is the third to chronicle the outrageous sexual exploits of "Stiffy Makane", intergalactic playboy and familiar adult IF character, although Adam Thornton did not invent the character. Dan Shiovitz says it all in his review of the game: "...It seemed to try everything the author could think of to offend even those who would normally be the target audience for a game with "adult content" in it. I loved how the game wound up turning the tables not only on the target audience for "adult" IF, but also on the player character by giving Stiffy a dose of his own medicine about halfway through the story. It also pokes fun at concepts in IF and those who take them far too seriously... I understand that Sins Against Mimesis by the same author does this too, though I have yet to play it. Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country is also freakin' hilarious. Familiarity with the original Stiffy Makane game or the MST3K-ified version is helpful, but in my opinion not necessary in order to enjoy the sequel. I think John Waters provided the quote that best sums up how I felt about this game when it was done with me... it made me sick in a wonderful, wonderful way. Go get it and play it while the kids are safely asleep." Overall, Stiffy Makane: The Undiscovered Country is a love-or-hate affair. If you dislike offensive, adult games in general, you will probably find this no better than the rest. If you can laugh at offensive material, though, you will find Stiffy Makane a very funny and clever game that isn't afraid of making fun of itself and the whole genre besides, adult IF or otherwise. I liked it :) Reviewed by: Underdogs |