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Game #2579
Hall of Belated Fame Inductee  On The Farm    View all Top Dogs in this genreCollection: IF Competition Favorites
Interactive Fiction   Conventional

Rating: 7 (3 votes)

On The Farm box cover

On The Farm screenshot
Another fun, feel-good game from the 1999 IF Competition that many overlooked On The Farm casts you as a small child who has just been sent to spend a few hours on grandparents’ farm. As usual, Paul O’Brian’s review hits the nail right on the head, so I would rather quote him than try my lame attempt to write one better:

"...Grandma and Grandpa are in the middle of a fight with each other, and you have to try to find some way to help them make up. When so many IF games take place in science- fictional or fantastic settings, it's quite refreshing to play a game that is firmly grounded in the real world. Even better than that, the setting is fully realized, to an impressive level of detail. Most all of what I call the first-level nouns (that is, nouns that are mentioned in room descriptions) are implemented with descriptions. The writing is crisp, conveying an excellent sense of place. Lots of details are present, not because they somehow serve the game's plot, but simply because they bring the farm and its environs to life more vividly. Yes, there are some problems in the writing as well. There's the occasional comma splice or punctuation stumble, and from time to time the sentences seem to lose their rhythm, foundering like a lame horse. In addition, the prose sometimes descends into a sort of juvenile, scatological humor that works against the sincere tone of the rest of the game. Despite these few flaws, in general the game's prose achieves a satisfying clarity. I grew up in suburbia, and my ancestry is decidedly urban, so I've never experienced firsthand most of the game's referents. Nonetheless, after playing On The Farm I really have a sense that I've been there.

The puzzles, too, are mostly rather clever, and feel quite original. In particular, there is one multi-step puzzle which is integrated seamlessly into the game's setting, so that it feels organic rather than tacked-on. Each component of this puzzle makes sense, and the feeling of solving it is quite satisfying. This is the main puzzle of the game, and it makes a very good linchpin. There are also a number of optional puzzles, which do little or nothing to advance the plot, but which deepen the characterization of the PC or enrich the setting. These are optional puzzles done right -- they don't feel like padding, but rather like fruitful avenues which branch off the main drag, rewarding exploration with further knowledge. There was a moment where I found myself quite skeptical (in the rope-cutting puzzle), and another where the default messages for some objects misled me into thinking that certain things weren't important when they actually were (the levers puzzle.) However, such breaks of mimesis in the puzzles were the exception rather than the rule in On The Farm." Perhaps not in the top 10% of top IFComp games, but still immensely enjoyable especially for clever puzzles. Recommended!

Reviewed by: Underdogs
Designer: Lenny Pitts
Developer: Freeware
Publisher: Freeware
Year: 1999
Software Copyright: Lenny Pitts
Theme: Modern
None that we know of
System Requirements: TADS
Where to get it:   IF Archive
Related Links: Paul O'Brian's review
If you like this game, try: Edifice, The, Mother Loose, Punk Points

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