Follow-up to EA's first flight trainer attempt from the mid-eighties, again endorsed by legendary pilot Chuck Yeager. Advanced Flight Trainer 2.0 is a nice flight simulator offering many different planes from various eras and "unusual" flight modes such as formations, races, obstacle courses and a comprehensive flight training option. AFT 2.0 also features two high-resolution EGA modes besides the standard 320x200 resolution. To bypass the copy-protection, just press ENTER. Might require a slow-down utility on faster computers. The game came with an audio cassette called "Flying Insights" that featured Chuck Yeager himself talking about the game, the basics of flying and his own career. Check out MIGMan's Flight Sim Museum's collection for excellent MP3-ized excerpts of that tape. Designer Edward Lerner continued to co-found Looking Glass Technologies and later founded Firetalk Communications.Reviewed by: Rob