Time Warp #102

Games developed: 3 Games published: 0 Period: 1989 - 1991
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Game publisher and developer founded in 1984 in Guetersloh, Germany. Early in the 80's they gathered many talented people from all over Germany, like Armin Gessert (founder of the fairly new company Spellbound), Thomas Hertzler (now head of Blue Byte), Chris Huelsbeck, Manfred Trenz and many more to become one of the biggest names in computer entertainment in Europe from 1986 to around 1991. All their games from that time were mainly made for the C64 and the Amiga and only very few were converted to the IBM-PC later on. Early in the 90's most of Rainbow Arts people went on to work somewhere else or to form their own independent companies (Blue Byte, Factor 5). Rainbow Arts became part of Softgold/Funsoft and are now part of THQ, as Funsoft itself was bought by THQ in 1999. In the PC era they only produced a few games like Imperium Romanum, a fun graphic adventure that plays in a world where the Roman Empire had survived till the present and Lollypop, a cute jump'n run. Currently Rainbow Arts is working on Turrican 3D with legend Manfred Trenz (http://www.mt-fanpage.de), who created Great Giana Sisters and the original Turrican. Related companies: Time Warp, Cyberdyne Systems, Softgold
Related companies: Time Warp Cyberdyne Systems Softgold