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Game #2817
Hall of Belated Fame Inductee  UnReal World, The    View all Top Dogs in this genre
RPG   Roguelike

Rating: 8.59 (271 votes)

UnReal World, The box cover

UnReal World, The screenshot
One of the most underrated Roguelike RPGs ever made, The UnReal World (UrW) is a captivating, but very difficult, role playing game set sometime in the Iron Age. What sets UrW apart from other Roguelikes – and most other RPGs for that matter – is the unique historical setting and realistic gameplay. The game is full of elements from the Scandinavian mythology and folklore. Instead of standard AD&D character classes, you play as a member of one of the ten Scandinavian cultures as a fisherman, hermit, trapper, or even a tradesman. The world is huge and randomly generated each time you play, thus ensuring virtually unlimited replayability.

UrW plays similar to most other Roguelikes, except that instead of a dungeon, you will spend most of your time exploring the surface (similar to Ragnarok). The game features real-life skills, ranging from cookery to hideworking. The graphics are crisp and clear, and the interface is easy to learn. In contrast to most RPGs, your task in UrW is basically just to survive. It's you against the harsh world in this one. This makes UrW closer to a survival simulation such as Wilderness than a traditional RPG, but it still packs familiar elements such as conversations, monsters, and leveling up.

Overall, I found UrW an intriguing Roguelike, although one that will not appeal to everyone. If you prefer a quest- or story-oriented RPG, you will probably find UrW dry and tedious. On the other hand, if you enjoy realism-based RPGs such as Darklands or RPGs with complex rules such as the Realms of Arkania series, you will probably enjoy UrW. Be warned that it is a VERY difficult game – I found myself dying numerous times before getting a hang of it ;) Two thumbs up, but with some reservations.

Note: This game is still being refined and has reached v. 3.52 as of writing this.

Reviewed by: Underdogs
Designer: Sami Maaranen
Developer: Anonymous
Publisher: Anonymous
Year: 2000
Software Copyright: Sami Maaranen
Theme: Shareware, Myth & Legend, Freelance
None that we know of
System Requirements: DOS
Where to get it:
Related Links: Official site
If you like this game, try: Ragnarok, Darklands, Alphaman

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